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Authority > Community
Department > Permit & Inspection Services
Division > Parks
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- Economic & Neighborhood Development
- Government
- Infrastructure
- Public Safety
- Quality of Life
- Transportation
- Administration & Finance
- Assessment & Taxation
- Buffalo Arts Commission
- Buffalo Fire Department
- Buffalo Police Department
- Buffalo Sewer Authority
- Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency
- Citizen Services
- City Clerk
- Community Services
- Department of Parking
- Department of Public Works
- Human Resources
- Office of Strategic Planning
- Permit & Inspection Services
- 311 Call & Resolution Center
- Animal Shelter
- Anti-Graffiti & Clean City Program
- Assessments
- Buffalo Employment & Training Center
- Civil Service
- Engineering
- Exemptions
- Forestry
- Inspections
- Division of Real Estate
- Licenses
- Parking Meters & Enforcement
- Parking Violations Bureau
- Parks
- Permits
- Save our Streets Program
- Senior Services
- Streets & Sanitation
- Taxes
- Traffic Engineering
- Traffic Violations
- Youth Bureau
- 2008
- 2011
- 2011-2015
- 2012
- 2020-2021
- 2024
- 34
- 3r’s
- 44
- 45
- 46
- 47
- 48
- 487
- 49
- 50
- 51
- \directory
- abatement
- above ground blasting
- abuse neglect
- ac
- aca
- academics
- accessible
- adg
- adult care
- adult sepsis
- aerial imagery
- affordable care act
- affordable care act; aca
- affordable housing
- afue
- ag
- agency
- agents
- agriculture audit
- aids
- air conditioners
- air monitoring
- air sampling technician
- air source heat pumps
- airport cargo
- all american road
- all electronic tolling
- allegations
- ambulatory care
- amc
- anaerobic digester gas
- and certificate of consolidation
- and financial coverage
- and limited liability partnership
- annual
- annual population
- annual report
- annual sales
- appeal
- appearance enhancement business/area renter
- applications
- appraisal management company
- appraisers
- approval
- archive
- arra
- arrears
- arrest
- arrests
- article 33
- article 9-a
- arts and design
- arts commision
- arts for transit
- arts funding
- artwork
- asbestos
- assist
- assistance
- associate
- asthma
- ats
- attainment
- attorney
- attractions
- authorized collector
- auto rental
- baccalaureate
- bachelor's
- background check
- banks
- barber shop owner/area renter
- bars
- battery electric
- bdr
- beaches
- bear
- bedes
- behavior change
- below ground blasting
- beneficial use
- benthic mapping
- best practice
- bev
- biking
- birding
- birth defects
- birth rate
- blasters
- blue green algae
- blue green algal
- board
- board actions
- boat launch sites
- body
- boiler
- boilers
- bond act
- bond series
- bond series closing date
- bond series par amount outstanding
- bond series rate type
- bond series tax status
- booking
- border
- boundaries
- breakbulk
- breakdown
- bridge condition
- brt
- bt
- buffalo and erie county public libraries
- buffalo and erie county public library
- buffalo arts commission
- buffalo public schools
- build it back
- building asset data
- building energy
- buildings
- buildsmart ny
- buoy
- bus fleet
- bus inspections
- bus passengers
- bus rapid transit
- business filings
- business opportunities
- business service representatives
- buslane
- buying
- cable
- cacfp
- campground
- cancer study
- candidate for public office
- cannabinoid hemp
- cannabinoids
- cannabis
- capital program dashboard
- capital program management
- capital project
- capital projects
- car sharing
- carbon emissions
- career center
- carfloat
- cars
- case denials
- cash 4 life
- cashless
- cat
- catalogue
- cdbg
- cdta
- ced
- cell service
- census tract
- certificate
- certificate of adoption
- certificate of merger
- certificate of need
- certificates issued
- certification
- cesarean
- charge ny
- chargebacks
- charges
- charter boat
- chemical spills
- chinook
- chip
- chirs
- chp. chip
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- circuit
- citations
- citistat
- city court
- civic innovation challenge
- claimed prizes
- classification
- clean energy
- clean energy companies
- clean energy fund
- clean transportation
- cleantech
- clearinghouse
- climate act
- climate change assessment
- climate impacts assessment
- climate justice
- climate projections
- clinical metrics
- cmp
- cmr
- cng
- co
- coach bus
- codebuilding
- codes
- coe
- coefficient of dispersion
- coho
- collections
- college
- color
- combined heat and power
- coming soon
- commission
- common
- communities
- community based intervention
- community health indicator reports
- community planning
- community renewal
- community supervision
- community-based housing
- commuter lots
- compact
- comparative evaluation
- complaint investigations
- complete streets
- completion report
- compliance checks
- con
- concerts
- concessions
- congenital malformations
- congenital malformations registry
- constituent
- construction complete date
- construction start date
- consultants
- consumer guide
- contacts
- containers
- continuous welded rail
- contours
- contracting
- contractor registry
- coo
- cooling
- cooling tower
- copd
- corporate franchise tax credits
- corporation
- corporation business entity
- correctional facility
- corridor management plan
- cost transparency
- county level brfss
- county of indictment
- course
- crane
- crashes
- crime incident
- criminal summonses
- criteria
- crossings
- crowding
- crustacean
- crz
- cse
- csi
- culture
- customer billing
- customer engagement
- customer usage
- cyanobacteria
- cycle
- d tags / keywords new york state registered disinfectants
- d+r
- daily sales
- dart
- data analysis
- data collection tool
- data dictionary
- dataset submission guide
- datasets
- dated date
- day
- dbe
- dbe certification
- dealer license
- dealer permit
- dec staff
- decedents
- decision
- deer
- defeased date
- defensive
- degree days
- degrees
- demand
- demographics
- deployment
- deployments
- der
- dg
- diabetes prevention
- diagnostic
- dictionary
- disadvantage communities
- disadvantaged business enterprise
- disparities
- distributed energy data resource
- distributed generation
- dmv hours
- dmv office
- dmv office message
- dmv office service
- dmv road tests
- dmv skill tests
- docket
- doctor
- doctorate
- documentation
- doh approved hhatp
- doh approved pcatp
- domain rating
- domestic cargo
- domestic flights
- draft permit
- drawing
- drive clean rebate
- driver license
- driver passenger
- driving lessons
- driving school
- drug drop box
- drug drop kiosk
- drugs
- dsl
- ducted
- ductless
- dvmt
- dwi
- e-cigarette
- e-waste
- e. coli
- earnings
- eat well play hard
- ebrfss
- eco challenge
- economic incentive tax credits
- economic transformation and facility redevelopment
- ed
- eeps
- eer
- eisep
- electric bills
- electric bus
- electric school bus
- electric school buses
- electric transit
- electric transportation
- electric trucks
- electric utility
- electric vehicle
- elevation
- emergency department
- emo
- empire state development
- empire zones
- employer
- employment by industry
- employment projection
- employment projections
- empower
- energy audit
- energy efficiency portfolio standard
- energy efficiency programs
- enforcement actions
- enforcements
- entereococcus
- entrepreneurs
- environmental conservation
- environmental conservation law
- environmental enforcement
- epa registered products
- equalization rate
- equity
- establishment types
- events
- evidence-based self-management programs
- ewph
- excavation
- exceedance
- executive
- executive order 88
- exemption history
- expanded brfss
- expansion
- expenditure
- expense
- expired medication
- express bus
- extreme events
- extreme heat
- extreme precipitation
- eye bank
- fa
- fa welfare
- fallen
- farm
- farm goods
- fatal
- fc
- fcc
- federal aid eligibility
- feeder
- felonies
- felony
- fertility rate
- fha
- fhvs
- fiber
- film
- financial coverage
- financial plan category
- fine
- fined/penalized
- fines
- fips
- fire company
- fire district
- firearms
- firefighter
- first mutual transportation assurance company
- first-time
- fish species
- flora
- fmtac
- for hire vehicle
- for-hire vehicle
- forest products
- forest rangers
- format
- forms
- formula
- founders
- free
- freight
- friction pads
- fuel cell
- fuel hedge
- full-time employees
- functional classification
- furnace
- game name
- game numbers
- gamma radiation
- gantries
- gas bills
- gas sales
- gas utility
- gasoline consumption by county
- gazetteer
- gbnrtc
- genealogy
- general
- generation
- geographic data
- geological
- geophysical
- gestation
- governance
- graduation rates
- graffiti
- grants; environmental justice; awards; community impact; green jobs
- green button
- green button connect
- green jobs-green ny
- greenhouse gas emissions reductions
- grocery
- grocery formula allowed
- grocery with pharmacy
- ground loop
- gtfs
- guides
- habs
- handbook
- handicap
- handler
- haps
- hardi
- harmful algal bloom
- hatcheries
- hate crime
- hazardous
- hazardous materials
- health
- health concerns
- health indicator
- healthcare personnel
- healthy eating
- healthy lifestyle
- heart disease
- heating fuel type
- help
- hemp
- hepatitis b
- heritage
- hfa
- hha certificates
- highway diesel fuel
- hike
- history
- hiv
- holidays
- holocaust
- home health aide
- homebuyer
- homeowner
- homeownership
- horse
- horticulture
- hospitals
- hospitals in onondaga county
- hosting capacity
- household
- housing plan
- how to
- how-to
- hri
- hspf
- hudson
- hudson river
- hudson river estuary
- hudson river estuary program
- human coronavirus
- human-centered design
- hunt
- hunting
- hurricane
- hvac equipment efficiency and sales
- hybrid
- hydrant
- hydraulic
- icf
- id card
- identification
- iedr
- image
- immunizations
- improvements
- in force
- incarcerated individuals
- incident
- income guidelines
- incorporated places
- indian territories
- infant’s sex
- information
- initial interest rate for variable or auction rate bonds
- initial interviews
- inmates
- institution
- insurance tax credits
- integrated energy data resource
- interchanges
- interdictions
- international cargo
- international flights
- introuction
- inventories
- inverter
- investment
- irene
- jail census
- jail population
- jc
- job trends
- junior license
- jurisdiction
- justice center covered providers
- kayaking
- kids
- kwac
- kwdc
- kwic
- labor law
- labor market analyst economist
- labor market region
- lake trout
- land
- land acquisition
- land management
- land trust
- land trust alliance
- landlocked salmon
- landlord
- landmark
- lane
- language
- launching
- lead service line inventory
- lean-to
- learning
- lee
- legionella
- legionnaires
- legislative
- lenders
- levies
- licensed guides
- lidar
- life insurance
- light rail
- link
- links
- liquid propane
- lithology
- llc
- lobbying activities
- lobbyist disbursements
- lobbyist disclosures
- local data
- local law
- local options; dry towns; partially dry towns
- local roads
- locality code
- locations
- locks
- logging
- lost time accidents rate
- low birthweight
- low- to moderate-income
- lra
- mammography
- management
- management planner
- manifest
- manufacturer
- manufacturing
- maps
- maritime archaeology
- market value
- mask compliance
- master contracts
- master's
- maternity
- maturity
- maturity status
- mayor brown
- mayor's office
- mckinsey
- mdbsi
- mean distance between service interruptions
- measure
- measurement
- mechanic
- medicaid access
- medicaid redesign
- medical
- medical and scientific publications
- medical care facilities financing agency (mcffa)
- medical patents
- medication
- medication collection boxes
- mega millions
- mental health; assisted outpatient treatment; kendra's law
- mep
- methane
- methodology
- metocean
- mhp
- mi
- midwife
- mileage
- milepost
- misconduct
- misdemeanor
- mobile parks
- mobility impaired
- model
- mold contractor license
- monitored performance data
- monitoring
- monitoring system
- monroe county
- monument
- mortality
- mortgages
- mother’s age
- mother’s education
- motor
- motor fuel
- motor vehicle
- motorcycle
- motorists
- mountain
- moving
- mpge
- mpo
- mta bus company
- mtapd
- multiple
- multiple births
- multiple dwelling
- muskellunge
- mwbe
- myocardial infarction
- naaqs
- naics
- names
- national scenic byways
- native american lands
- nazi
- nci
- neighbborhood
- new york
- new york city taxi and limousine commission
- new york forward
- new york state building data
- new york state scenic byways
- nfta
- nist
- nitrogen
- no parking
- non-proximate audience shows
- non-responsible entities
- nonfarm employment
- notary
- notice
- nox
- npc
- nrc
- ntia
- nuisance wildlife
- numbers
- ny-sun
- nycrr
- nynjr
- nyrising
- nys clients
- nys county
- nys institutions
- nys parks
- nysbip
- nysecon